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Cyprus Bubbles- SCSSAC Dive Trip 01-06 Oct 16

Shane Willis

The warm air blessed our faces as we touched down on Cyprus soil then greeted by smiles as our hosts arrived to transport us to our accommodation. After a welcome beverage then a good night’s sleep, we were ready to take on our first dives of the week. Of course this could only be started after a hearty breakfast. A good old fry up and a cuppa. Our hosts collected us and transported us to the dive centre to on which we took the journey to the dive site. A lovely little shore dive to butter up the taste buds of the waters around Cyprus. A lovely 26 degrees made for a very pleasant 12 metre dive exploring the rocks and sea grass. This was a build up, for me the highlight of the trip. Diving the Zenobia. What a beautiful wreck she is, a wreck I personally could dived all week, exploring every metre. We even got the rare chance to dive on her at night, which made for an exciting opportunity. On spending time inside the wreck under the guidance of our hosts we explored the a few of the decks possible because she lays on her side. Lorries and vehicles clearly visible, with the temptation to sit in one for a photo opportunity, not taken though. And when you looked up to the ceilings vast amounts of bright blue bottles. Swimming along the wreck large groupers owned their territory’s even giving us the evil eye.

We visited another wreck called the Cricket. A sweet little ship but still like the Zenobia a pleasure to dive. The last day of diving we stepped off the shore to explore some little caves and swim through. Happy to say a great way to end the weeks diving. A lovely little octopus, Hatchet fish, Squirrel fish even a line of squid blessed us, leaving a perfect lasting memory to the end of a great week.

Evening time there were several places to venture for meals and beverages, of which we did utilise very well indeed (really really). At the hotel they had a Greek night of music dancing and a fantastic feast of Greek food. Active participation in the dancing did become compulsory for some of us. But smiles and laughter all round.

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